Monday, February 27, 2012

Why we're here

This is to be a compendium of techniques for scripting repetitive tasks for those who work on or around Windows servers and workstations.  If you have to do it once, you will have to do it again... and again... and again...

The platforms covered include DOS batch (because there are times where it is necessary or more convenient use DOS), VBScript (because there is still alot of it about), and Powershell (because it is the undisputed heavyweight champion of scripted automation *ding ding*).

Targets include Active Directory (and associated tools like Group Policy and NTFS), VMWare vSphere and ESX (using PowerCli), and the Windows operating system in general (I'm looking at you, WMI).

This isn't a primer so you should already have an idea of the basics of the various technologies and the tasks you want to preform.  The goal is to put similar resources in a single location and share some techniques that will help you improve your efficiency in completing your tasks

I hope to share some things I've learned and I hope you can share with me.  Let's all work smarter, not harder. And stay thirsty, my friends.